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Healing the Sexual Misery Program & Activating Sacred Sexuality

Alchemy of Sex
One time
For 2 months

✓ 11 Hours 50 Minutes of Video Content
✓ Unlimited Lifetime Access

What is the Alchemy of Sex?

Can the energy of sex be a source of creation for you? What beliefs are informing your body, your life, your relationships?

Sexual Misery can include everything from repression, addictions, destructive behavior, victim/victimizer archetypes, shame, guilt, trauma - to avoidance of sexual energies in life that can support you & your body.

Activating Sacred Sexuality allows ancestral trauma to clear while harmonizing negative physical/emotional/mental/energy bodies.

what you’ll experience

What are the Sexual Misery Program, Sexual Wounding, and Sacred Sexuality?

✨ Would you like for the energy of sex to be a source of creation for you?

✨ What beliefs are informing your body, your life, your relationships?

But this isn’t only about sex. It’s not about “just sex” at all.

Whether you want to have a sex life or not, your relationship with your body’s sexual energy is incredibly meaningful. This type of wounding affects every area of our lives.

Some of the ways that sexual trauma/misery program shows up in our lives:

✨ Lack of passion and zest for life

✨ Shut down or numbness around body issues

✨ Sexual repression or acting out

✨ “Sex takes too much energy, I don’t feel like it”

✨ Insomnia or other sleep issues

✨ Abundance issues

✨ Inability to receive, or challenges with receivership

✨ Inability to do what you know would help, to support your body

✨ Anxiety, from mild to panic attacks

✨ Depression, from mild/intermittent to extreme

✨ Food, alcohol, distraction cravings

✨ Very light sleep, waking at every sound

✨ Avoidance of creative adventures, even when you really want to do them

✨ Avoidance of sexual situations, even when you’re really interested

✨ Judgment of your body and other people’s bodies

✨ Judgment of anything considered sexual or sensual

✨ Avoidance or addiction to sex or sensual activities, even things like art, exercise, and dance

✨ Overwhelm or painful memories

✨ Repression of sexual energy, belief that something is wrong with bodies

✨ Any and all physical issues (especially chronic/long-term and mystery issues that come and go)

If this is a topic that you try to avoid, only you can choose whether and when it’s time to shift. You’ll know when you’re ready and it’s the most beneficial time and space for you.

What do you know about what you require, and what you’d like to choose?

• Would you choose to feel free in your body, if you could? (You can!)

• What if your body wants to feel free to express itself in whatever way you choose? (It does!)

• What if the reason you are experiencing a lack of creativity, freedom and passion, anxiety, depression, discomfort in your body, mental or emotional issues, fear, physical health issues, or sleep issues, is the way your systems have coped with sexual trauma or the sexual misery program?

Sexual trauma and the sexual misery program affect many of us, even if we haven’t directly experienced the trauma in this lifestream. We even inherit sexual misery from our ancestors!

What is sexual trauma/wounding?

In this energetic context, we define sexual trauma/wounding as any misuse or abuse of sexual energy (sexualness/sexual energy = spiritual/creation/creative energy on all levels).

This includes self-wounding and wounding catalyzed by others.

Includes physical, emotional, mental, spiritual, and sexual traumatic experiences, including those viewed (taken in) via media.

AND it’s not limited to this lifetime, this body, or lineage but typically is a combination of multidimensional challenges.

✨ How old were you when your creative spark and zest for life became dimmed?

✨ Do you still have creative juices flowing?

✨ Have you ever experienced any type of body trauma or sexual trauma?

✨ Have you ever watched something in a movie or social media that felt wounding to the core of who you are? Or you couldn’t get it out of your mind after you watched it?(i.e. assault, rape, violence, trapped, drowning, etc)

✨ Is your heart beating faster as you read this? Do you feel a sense of relief or anxiety? Is your nervous system telling you something?

What is the sexual misery program?

Energetically, I’m defining the sexual misery program as any and all shame, blame, guilt, regret, confusion, distortions, reversals, overwhelm, manipulation and misuse of sexual energies.

Additionally, victim/victimizer/rescuer archetypes, martyrdom, savior, destructive behavior, trauma - all the way to avoidance of sexual energies in life that could support you and your body.

What is sacred sexuality?

We’ll go into more detail about all of these concepts and energies in our event, but briefly, Sacred Sexuality is Life - life force energy in soulful, light, expansive, creative energetic ways. It’s the activation of the flowing, sacred life force that is the creator and creation in all things. It’s not about the act of sex! (Although we’ll chat about putting body parts together as well.)

Activating Sacred Sexuality allows ancestral trauma to clear while harmonizing negative physical/emotional/mental/energy bodies.

When we activate sacred sexuality, ALL aspects of our life become ENLIVENED (either enlivened again, or for the very first time).

meet your catalyst & facilitator

Alyssa Malehorn

I’m dedicated to helping people find healing, intuitive clarity, and abundance through consciousness facilitation, clearing and support. I also provide the life-changing, joy-expanding Joyride Collective membership group, classes, and events designed for you to BE MORE OF YOU. Join me!

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Healing the Sexual Misery Program & Activating Sacred Sexuality

Alchemy of Sex
One time
For 2 months

✓ 11 Hours 50 Minutes of Video Content
✓ Unlimited Lifetime Access

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