Reclaiming Christ Consciousness

Whether you observe Christmas or anything else today, it can’t be denied that the energy on the planet is changing, and we’re in a cosmic shift like none of us have experienced before. The influx of light that all on our planet have received over the last several months, building to a new, massive energetic, spiritual upgrade this winter, will continue for the next several years.

This shift is a critical step for the awakening and ascension of all beings on the planet. It includes clearing core fears (of death, suffering, poverty, disconnection, separation), clearing anxiety/depression programs, addictions, phobias, fear of loss, fear of change, fear of the shadow within ourselves and the darkness within the collective consciousness.

So far, this may not sound like holiday fun - lol, but consider how much lighter you’ll soon feel, if you don’t already! We cannot take our discordant, dense, light-devoid programs and conditioning into this life-affirming freedom, sovereignty and love-anchored phase we’ve entered into during this time. it’s an incredible opportunity! Yes, we must unearth and excavate the unhealed, unresolved pains of the past and fears of the future, but we have everything we need already within us to accomplish this monumental individual and collective task.

This hidden key that we all possess, that unlocks the true Divine Source nature within all beings is the Cosmic Christ Consciousness. (This is not to be confused with the historical Jesus The Christ, who embodied the Christ Consciousness, bringing the Light to a dark world.) The Christ Consciousness is the aspect of all of us that (many times in many people) is hidden underneath wounds, fear, trauma, judgment and disconnection. It’s the innate trait to be “in love”…to perceive ourselves through a lens of unconditional love, to perceive others with grace and forgiveness, to allow the natural patience and compassion to flow unimpeded, regardless of the situation.

What does this look like in “real life”? In the first stages, when the discordant energies are attempting to balance and heal, sometimes it shows up with a critical eye, perfectionism of self or others. Other times it shows up when the ego/pain body (the aspect of us that identifies as feeling victimized) looks for a victimizer to blame or a rescuer to reinforce an inherited disempowerment program. Unaddressed and unhealed traumas will become triggered, acting as catalysts to remind us that we must heal ourselves to fully be “in love” at any level.

The practice of welcoming and integrating the Christed Consciousness starts and ends with our responses and reactions to this purging of unintegrated shadow energies. Does it mean that we shamefully accept our darkness, feeling overwhelm and guilt about how unawakened we were/are? Or that we always respond and react in a “spiritual” way; that we absorb abuse and allow others who may not be activated in their highest spiritual selves to run roughshod over our feelings and energy? Does it mean that we empathically take on others discordant energies and deprive them of the learnings that would accompany the processing of their own karmic issues?

You can guess the answer: a big, emphatic, NO. Activating the Christ Consciousness within us is so very much more than all of this. When we allow the natural Christed Self to emerge from the rubble of our human-ness, from beneath the weight of our pasts, individually and collectively, it looks like one thing: Loving, Kind, Compassion.

This does not mean that we just sit quietly and absorb negativity, projections, fears, paranoia, or abuse. It means that we activate Loving, Kind, Compassion within ourselves and TOWARD ourselves first. That alone changes how we respond to negativity/lower vibe energies. We can feel compassion for what we ourselves have experienced, for our confusion about who we really are and why we’re here. You can feel the pressure release almost immediately.

This reveals a new patience and Loving, Kind, Compassion for others. Why would someone harm another? Because they’re in fear. They’re in pain. Activated Christed Consciousness means that we hold compassion in our hearts, radiate it with our words and our prayers, and actively make inspired choices that feel Loving, Kind and Compassionate for ourselves and others, without falling into the Crucifixion/Martyr Program of self-sacrifice in an attempt to please/pacify others or earn love.

We’ve always had access to this Christ Consciousness operating system. The huge difference in what we are experiencing right now, is that the overall cosmic energies are now in support of our individual and collective reboot to the new system. The processing of the unresolved traumas and fears may not just dissolve, and may require some work - but there’s never been a more supportive timeline for us to enable the operating system, upgrade our programs, reboot and refresh our universe.

To support you in your process of the remembering/embodiment of the Christ Consciousness within yourself during this incredible time of shift, I offer you the Age of Aquarius Light Anchoring Meditation; a live solstice event replay. In-joy and share with others who may be ready to open up to a new level of True Self.

In love and service,



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