Soothing Harmonizing Nervous System • Harmonic Resonance Image


(Note: The thumbnail image for this product is NOT the product itself. You’ll receive a download email with the actual product.)

This image has been light-encoded and filled with the holographic template of harmonic resonance of Soothing, Calming, and Harmonizing Your Nervous System. This applies to both your physical Central Nervous System and your Etheric Nervous System.

Your CNS and ENS keep energetic and cellular records of stressful times, survival mode times, and “it’s not safe to relax” times. This includes those times that we have experienced in this lifetime, in other lifetimes, and experiences that we’ve taken on from others through inappropriate responsibility to process others’ energies.

You may use this image in multiple ways:

• Gently gaze at the image in meditation

• Make the image your wallpaper or background on your computer or phone and just let it transmit

• Save the image to your favorites in your phone and pull it up to take in the energy visually when needed

• Think of a time in your life when your CNS and ENS were stressed, and gaze at the image to support the release of the stuck energy

• Print out the image (either color or black/white) and place it where you’d like to experience the harmonic resonance of Soothing Harmonizing Nervous System (i.e. in a bedside table drawer, under the bed, in a drawer/cabinet in a room where you tend to feel CNS/ENS tension)

NOTE: YOUR PURCHASE (or gift, if you were given a gift code) HAS CREATED A HOLOGRAPHIC TEMPLATE OF HARMONIC RESONANCE between you and the image. PLEASE do not share this image with anyone, as they may not have the same results.

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