Space Clearing • MP3


Light-Encoded High Consciousness Field MP3.

There are many types and qualities of energy present around us, all of the time. Sometimes we may feel that we’re in need of clearing the space around us, our home/office/school/hotel room/campsite/wherever we are.

You know a space may be supported by clearing when you feel tension in the air, notice a change in mood shortly after you arrive, or feel heaviness, irritation, sadness, anxiety. It’s also important to clear space after illness, arguments, grieving, loss, and pain.

Other signs that it’s time for a clearing can be psychic interference like knocking sounds, hearing your name called, sleeplessness, nightmares, feeling like you’re being watched or like someone is in your space when there aren’t other people around (in physical form).

This session is designed to clear your space of all unwanted entities, residues of negative/lower vibrational energies, imprints of past exchanges between people, etheric impressions of past fear, arguments, illness, etc.

It’s like sage/smudging + palo santo + 1000 people praying + surrounding your space with crystals + light columns/anchors in the 4 corners of your space, all at once.

Great for when you’re picking up on everyone else’s feelings, experiencing discordant energies of any type, or receiving psychic information that is unsolicited and unwanted.

During the session, focus on the infinite crystalline light all around you and through you, building your field into a fortress of love and sparkling light.

Drink plenty of water after, and you may like to record your impressions in a journal/notebook afterward. Integration and clearing experience generally continue for 3 days.

NOTE: Sensitive folks may smell the aromas of sage and/or palo santo during this session. The aroma will clear in the few days after the session completes. Not everyone will smell the aroma, just those who are especially sensitive.

Note: Can be played at inaudible levels and still receive the benefits.

Additional Quantum Sessions To Consider:

• Psychic Protection

• Psychic Protection For Children


Prior to doing my session I started smelling a beautiful scent, like a cross between patchouli and Palo Santo. I smelled it everywhere. I even put my own soap on my washcloth and put it under water again, and I could not smell the soap, I could only smell this delicious incense smell. This happened a few times in different locations around the house over 2 days. - Amie T.

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