Trauma Transmutation • MP3


Quantum Harmonization Light-Encoded High-Consciousness Field MP3.

Transmutation: To change in form, nature or substance; metamorphosis.

By the time most of us are adults, we’ve had some trauma and loss in our lives. In our modern culture, many have a “shake it off” attitude or just “keep on keeping on”. Another angle is “I’ve done so much work on this, I’m not 100% but I’m better than I was.”

While that pattern of moving forward can be beneficial during the traumatic time, many times it can lead to long term repression and compartmentalizing of trauma and loss, which leads to a multitude of emotional, mental, physical and spiritual disorders.

Add to that, “trauma comparison” that stunts many people’s processing and healing of their wounds. “I don’t have any reason to complain, I only experienced __________, that person over there experienced far worse.”

Post traumatic stress is a disorder of the heart. When the heart cannot stretch and expand to fully accept and understand what it’s experienced, there’s a trauma file created in the heart.

We may feel anxious, depressed, restless, unsettled, overwhelmed, worried and/or having trouble concentrating or sleeping. We might feel numb and unable to awaken joy within us.

We may be future-pacing our thoughts, constantly looking ahead and worrying about what’s to come, reliving the past or avoiding looking back.

Many times, a pattern of trauma and loss stems from others (our families, the collective energy of society as a whole) transmitted to those of us who are sensitive souls, who tend to process for others, not just for ourselves.

This session is designed to breakdown the patterns of trauma and loss in your field, while filling your field with comforting, healing, love… calming you on every level, down to the atomic particles inside your cells, vibrating and radiating centeredness. This supports the transmutation of trauma to become wisdom.

Rest and recline during this session, focusing your breath in and out of your heart center, intending to feel gratitude for the higher purpose of the catalyst of trauma. It is a higher vibrational tool designed to support your soul’s curriculum. We may not understand the full soul’s learnings at this point, but that’s ok. We can still heal.

You may have some aha moments during this session; just allow your mind to gently release what no longer feels true for you, as you allow transformation. Highly recommended to journal your experiences after this session, and remember that you may have emotional release (tears/laughter) or nervous system release (chills, twitches, heat) during or afterward.

After the session, drink plenty of water, and be patient with yourself as the effects and integration continue for approximately 3 days.

Note: Can be played at inaudible levels and still receive the benefits.

Additional Quantum Sessions To Consider:

• Transmute Anxiety + Worry

• Feel Safe + Comforted

• It’s Safe For Me To Relax

• Sleep Easily + Deeply

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