Is It Ok If Others Don’t Understand You?
What are you choosing to experience this week? Would it feel supportive to lighten up and flow a little more? (keep reading…I’ve included some powerful tips for you!)
Regardless of what you’re experiencing, here are a few starter questions to ponder and open up the energy:
What patterns are you noticing?
Who are you being?
Are there more authentic ways for you to be more of you this week?
What does that mean to you?
Is it ok if others don’t understand, or get you?
Let’s go a little deeper.
Let’s talk about not being understood, or others not getting it, when you’re shifting and changing spiritually, energetically, and in your consciousness. This can lead to feelings of isolation, abandonment, or feeling left out.
This is one of the most common challenges that we can go through, as beings expanding consciousness.
Another popular inner-challenge is the pattern of making ourselves or others wrong, for whatever is thought, said or done.
Sometimes we get stuck in patterns.
I have a few tips for you (and a new in-depth class, if you want to go deeper), as you navigate this week (and beyond).
Tip #1: Ask yourself, “What are my motivations?” …with this person, this situation, this relationship, this spending, etc.
Tip #2: Ask yourself, “What story must I believe, based on what’s motivating me?” …for example, do you believe that you’re safer if you behave a certain way, rather than being more of you…
Tip #3: Ask yourself, “What is my point-of-view, and what is someone else’s point-of-view? Am I taking on other’s points of view instead of knowing my own?” …and what have you made so important, so significant about yours and theirs. Is it possible that those thoughts/feelings are just points of view, and could change with the wind?
Tip #4: Ask yourself, “What if I allowed everyone (including myself) to have their own points of view, and didn’t make them (or me) wrong?” …what if a point of view isn’t right or wrong, just harmonious with you, or not? What if observing is more powerful than judging?
~ Now take some deep breaths and allow the energy to FLOW and MOVE. ~
In love and gratitude,
PS the new class starts in Jan 2025! Click here for details on the Anatomy of Ascension series.