Why Do Psychic Mediums Charge So Much?

That’s a really good question, and it brings several factors to mind. Does the psychic medium use their gifts full-time as their daily contribution to positively impact humanity - or do they work a “regular” full-time job, and use their gifts on the side? Neither option is right or wrong - it’s just one of the factors to consider.

If a spiritual healer/psychic medium/lightworker has dedicated their life to spiritual work - and has committed the time and energy to focus full-time on contributing their gifts, there are many costs that arise, in addition to the regular life expenses of mortgage, utilities, maintenance, food, medical care, insurance, automobile, clothing, children expenses, etc.

When a spiritual professional dedicates their lives to full-time healing work (whether mediumship, energy healing, psychic work, spiritual coaching…) we also incur the expenses of owning and running our own business. This includes office rent, utilities, marketing, web development, community outreach, taxes, business insurance, and often the salary of an assistant to handle scheduling, payments, client emails, record keeping, etc.

Another factor to consider is that psychic mediums and other healing professionals don’t typically work 40-hour weeks, like someone in another profession could. This is because it requires a huge amount of energy to focus attention and channel higher frequencies for prolonged periods of time. When we work with 3–5 clients per day, that’s generally sustainable for most of us to maintain our health long-term without burnout (I’m not speaking for everyone in the field, just myself and colleagues that I’ve spoken with about this over the years.)

Spiritual work doesn’t allow for your mind to wander, even for short breaks, typically. It’s essentially staying in a meditative state for the duration of the workday, holding energy in a specific frequency range while communicating with the unseen world and the tangible world at the same time. While psychic mediumship is a gift, it also requires incredible endurance and stamina, both psychically and physically.

I also believe that these gifts are inherent in all of us, and can be developed. This also references the personal development issue for all who are involved in this type of work. There is an ongoing growth and development for those of us who have committed our lives to helping others in the spiritual realm. This also takes energy, focus, time and money - as we pay others to continue our own growth and healing, buying courses, books, having healing sessions with other professionals, and maintaining/upgrading our health so we can continue to be the very best version of ourselves. This has the additional benefit of creating a template of self-education, self-care and self-love for our clients to follow, if they so choose.

I believe that ongoing development and growth is required to be at your very best, when helping others with their soul growth and healing. I personally only see practitioners who are consistently working on their own issues, and recommend that practice to anyone looking for someone to help them with spiritual development or “unseen world” issues.

All of that said, I know that some psychic mediums have issues accepting money for their work, and some people have issues with paying anyone for spiritual work. I believe that while we’re still living in an era with a monetary exchange culture and economy, we must fully participate to be fully engaged. Many lightworkers are challenged with healing their karma with money/worth/value/ego. This is a deeply personal journey, and there are no right or wrong ways of navigating the path. There are healers offering services at all levels of financial investment - from free, to barter, to all ranges of dollar amounts.

Many of us who charge for our services reserve a few appointments each month for those experiencing financial hardship. Like many other facilitators, I also offer scholarships for those in need, to attend workshops and trainings. I believe there is help available to everyone, at the perfect financial rate, the perfect practitioner, and at the perfect time. As the ancient saying goes, “When the student is ready, the teacher will appear.”


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