Why No More Reiki?

Hello, lovely lightbeing!

You may have heard me share what has come up recently regarding Reiki attunements (and a few other modalities as well, but I'll speak primarily about Usui Reiki today).

As you read on, please take what resonates with you and discard the rest. This is only my experience and what I've noticed in others.

To begin, the following is from a recent email newsletter, please read, and then continue for more details:

My healing journey over the years, like many people’s, has been full of ups and downs, expanding and learning, and twists and turns that I could never have expected.

As you might know, the energy healing part of my journey began with Reiki almost 30 years ago. I became a Reiki Master Teacher (that modality’s designation for someone who facilitates students) and taught Reiki for about 2 decades. It was a joy and so much fun, and I witnessed incredible transformations in students and myself that were truly magical.

Energies shift over time based on many factors. In my experience, several years ago, Reiki energy began to shift and change in ways that weren’t in alignment with all beings sovereignty, freedom, and healing. It became compromised and muddled, and in response to that, I took steps both energetically and physically to remove myself (and including all students I had facilitated) from the Reiki “lineage”.

At the same time, knowing that students could choose to insert themselves back into that energy modality if they choose, but that I wasn’t aligned with the unclear energy, lineage/karmic bonds and emerging Reiki student/teacher dependency I was witnessing, as well as other energetic elements (too much to go into here).

Through that experience, Channeled Light Healing came through. (We call it that name for lack of another way of describing it.) CLH became the upgraded modality that is free of the complications of Reiki and an incredible way to awaken each individual’s own intuition and healing potential. Our new Quantum Harmonization modality came after this.

To briefly continue, initially, the Reiki attunements and the Reiki energies were incredibly supportive and beneficial. SO MUCH healing came through the energies and the attunements, and I have deep, heartfelt gratitude for the energies and the consciousness expansion that came along with them...and for the opportunity to share them with so many.

As I mentioned, over the last few years, the energies of Reiki have become muddled and heavy. There are several reasons for this that I've noticed, that we've covered in other classes recently. I'll share my expanded perspective again during our time together tomorrow.

Now, the Reiki energies included as well, but more importantly, the ATTUNEMENTS themselves are now functioning in many people's light bodies, physical, emotional and mental bodies, as consciousness limiters, newly harnessed into the false light matrix. You may have noticed a looping or repeating pattern in your (or your clients) thinking or recurrence of issues.

I’ve shared a clearing/healing experience, which initiates the release of all limiting attunements. In this process, we're honoring your Infinite Being-ness to determine what is limiting and what is not. This also includes clearing limiting attunements and initiations from other lifestreams/timelines that may be impacting you now.

You will likely experience something similar to what I've experienced with the release of limiting attunements, which, simply put, is DYNAMIC EXPANSION of CONSCIOUSNESS and healing abilities.


New Day Dawning


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