New Day Dawning

Dearest one,

This summer solstice time has been interesting to say the least! We're on track, planetary-wise, to continue shifting onward and upward into higher dimensional levels of awareness - which means deeper understanding of what is aligned with you (true you, higher self you, unity you). We awaken spiritually through the processing and healing (realization of the Truth) of our own stuff. Releasing the guilt, the pain, the fear, the "old earth" ways of being (superior/inferior). Allowing the true self to wash us over and through with love and compassion, which we then extend to all.

Many are experiencing old issues and memories coming up to be healed, feelings of limitation and lack alternating with feelings of immense peace and abundance, and tingling/buzzing in the body or ringing/fullness in the ears.

These are all normal (believe it or not!) as well as whatever you're experiencing as well. The full range of energies are "normal" during this time of heightened awareness and incredible shift. 

Due to the state of the universe PLUS the state of the collective consciousness (mass thought-forms) PLUS the individual awakening and healing that's in overdrive for all of us old souls, I've received even more requests than usual for sessions over the last 12 months (for individual appointments and group sessions) that it's impossible to be there for each at the time and date that works for them.

In response to the desires and outreach from our community, and meditating on the shifts in my own lifestream, I've been tuning into and refining my personal mission again, with fresh eyes and a clear, enthusiastic heart. 

What has come of that exploration, you might ask? Wellll, a lot! (And I'm close to bursting at the seams to share it all with you! You may know how excited I can get with expansion and growth - it's just so exciting and fresh and new and buoyant and bubbly!)

I'll be revealing the details soon - but for now, as you consider your own situation and heart, know that we are all being taken care our highest selves, by our soul-selves, by the Christed Consciousness of each of us. Add to that, our non-physical families (loved ones who've crossed over), our divine teams of light, the Source of Infinite Love (my name for God)...we have SO MUCH SUPPORT right now, it can be hard to even fathom. Just breathe it in and use your feeling-sense to know it. 

We are living in light, learning how to better heal in light, and in this New Earth Consciousness, BECOMING the light that we've been seeking.

Perhaps take a deep breath and relax your body as much as you're able, it's taken you this far and will continue to support you,

I love you,

Alyssa 💜


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