VIDEO: How Does FLFE Support Intimacy? (and other questions answered)

If you’ve been hanging around me long enough, you are likely aware of my love and gratitude for Focused Life Force Energy, the service that activates a high-consciousness field for your home, office, a bubble around your cell phone, etc. (for more info and a free trial - no CC required - CLICK HERE. for more video interviews and details, check out my FLFE page here.)

Occasionally I’ll get together with FLFE founders Jeffrey and Clayten to share some time and space in fun conversation about what’s going on in the world, what we’re all noticing, AND this time I solicited questions from Joyride Collective members as well! So in this conversation we discuss levels of consciousness, pay-it-forwards, and more inspired by our JC members. In joy!


Why Boundaries Don’t Work - And What Does


New Day Dawning