Home Harmony Sessions for Homeowners, Renters, Realtors, & Real Estate Pros


• Have you experienced some challenging times in your home, and want to lighten up the space?

• Do you or family members experience continued anxiety, depression, or chronic illness?

• Do you have a sense of being watched or don’t feel alone, when you are?

• Are you a realtor or real estate professional, ready to quantum leap your sales?

Do you feel comfortable and relaxed in every area of your home or office?

Are you a real estate professional who’s ready to quantum leap your sales?

Could your home feel more peaceful, comforting, energized, and uplifting?

​Your environment holds the embedded energies of what has occurred in the past on the property.


→ Those who are wanting to sell or buy homes with ease and flow

→ When you’re moving house, trying to buy or sell a home, renovating, post -bankruptcy, -death, -illness, -arguments, -anxiety, -money issues, as well as structural building issues, family changes, marriage, or divorce

→ When you feel an uncomfortable presence, hear sounds (like knocks or voices), missing items, unexplainable irritation, frustration, or arguing, or you feel like you’re being watched in your home or office

→ Those who are having chronic or recurring health issues, trouble sleeping, or nightmares (including children)

→ When you’re ready to clear, uplift, and harmonize your environment and your quality of life

A private Home Harmony session is an effective, remote clearing, blessing, and collaboration with you and your home, and scheduled for one property. Includes up to 4 weeks of continued frequency transmission to the home or property after each session, continuing the harmonization and optimization of the property.

Up to four people may attend the same session, for an additional fee per person. In HH sessions, it's advised that all attendees be connected with the same property. Private Home Harmony readings are effectively done remotely (over the phone or zoom), may not be recorded, and run roughly 55-60 minutes.

No audio or video recording is allowed, and note-taking is suggested.

One Home or Property

• Perfect for homeowners, renters, home-sellers, -buyers, -builders and those who are ready to upgrade their home experience.

• Alyssa shares her intuitive, entity clearing & healing gifts PLUS uses quantum technology to support your goals with your property.

• Include (1) home, building, or property.

Five Property Package

• Great for those who own, build, or manage multiple properties, or real estate professionals.

• Everything you get with a single session, but for multiple properties.

• Includes (5) sessions to include (5) homes, buildings, or properties.

Monthly Pro Subscription

• The best deal for brokers, realtors, developers, builders, and other real estate professionals.

• Everything you get with a single session, but for multiple properties each month.

• Includes up to (10) sessions for up to (10) homes, buildings, or properties each month.