Private Individual Sessions Are For Adults & Children

  • Receive intuitive support with specific issues or challenges.

  • Discover your innate intuitive senses, with support for your natural awareness.

  • Receive intensive Quantum Harmonization energy healing for emotional challenges, physical imbalances, spiritual blockages, relationship issues, family dynamics support, or business issues.

  • Sessions include Ongoing Harmonizations & Optimizations, transmitted to you, day and night, for up to 4 weeks after your session.

  • Experience mediumship to connect with departed loved ones, if you choose.

A private reading session is scheduled for one person.

GROUP SESSIONS: Up to four people may attend the same session, for an additional fee per person. In mediumship sessions, it's advised that all attendees be related or connected with the same loved one. Most private readings are done remotely (over the phone or zoom) and may not be recorded.

***Click these links for sessions for horses, dogs, homes/real estate, or businesses.

Note: In-Person sessions are limited in availability, and currently are held in southern Colorado and occasionally in Sedona, Arizona. There are no Austin, TX sessions available through April 2025.

To schedule your individual or group session, click here for the next availability, or fill out the form ⬇ and we’ll be in touch soon.

Package holders get priority booking, often within 2 - 3 weeks. Details here.

Already have a package? Email for priority booking.


"Alyssa changed my life in just one session. I cannot explain it...

but I felt lighter and hopeful for the first time in a very long time. I have continued to grow, feel better, and get back in touch with my happy spirit within that I thought was lost forever. How do you accurately give an account of your life being changed forever? You really can’t. You just have to experience Alyssa’s gift for yourself."



What do I mean by "collaborate"? You don't hear that very often.

Well, many people seek out someone like me because they've tried everything. Kind of a last resort type thing. I get it. Been there.

And many times that can leave someone in a mindset of looking for someone to "fix" them or their issue - whether it's a physical illness, loss of a loved one, an emotional or trauma issue, money problems, loss of purpose, relationship standoff, family, parenting or child problem - whatever.

However, I perceive you in your Infinite Being-ness. Meaning, I don't sense you as broken, needing to be fixed, or told what to do. You may be going through some challenges (or going through hell) but you're not lesser for it. 

I am aware of (and in awe of) your true Self, even if you aren't in this moment.

If you're willing to collaborate with me and with receive with me...I'll guide you to uncover, discover and reclaim who you really are. That's my joy.

Together we will clear and transform what you've outgrown (or what never fit in the first place) and unlock your innate power, potency, intuition and healing.

What might be possible if you open the door to becoming more of you?