Raise Level of Consciousness with FLFE Boosts

We’re all receiving a few holiday gifts from our partners at Focused Life Force Energy!

***And if you don’t already have a FLFE subscription to raise the level of consciousness of your home, support harmony in the home, mitigate EMFs/5G, and support your body - CLICK HERE to learn more and try for FREE (with no credit card info needed).

As you may know, Focused Life Force Energy is my #1 fave resource to support the raising and expanding of the consciousness of my home, increase harmony and communication, deepen meditation, support physical and emotional health, mitigate EMFs and 5G, and the list goes on and on…

If you already are enjoying FLFE, take advantage of these holidays gifts and let me know what you notice!

If you don’t already have a FLFE subscription to raise the level of consciousness of your home - CLICK HERE to learn more and try for FREE

Here are the details of your holiday gifts of LONGER BOOSTS available between Dec 21 - Jan 21!

Holiday Boosts: Extended time for either your 600 or 650 LOC BOOSTS!

Here’s what you need to know about your Holiday Boosts:

  • 600 LOC Boosts are now available for 60 minutes for your property subscription

  • 650 LOC Boosts are now available for 20 minutes for your phone or object subscription

  • These Holiday Boosts boost is designed to amplify the abundance of high consciousness energy available at this time of year.

  • You can use one boost at a time, just as you can right now

  • These extended boost times are designed to amplify the heightened level of consciousness available during the joyous holiday season.

  • These Holiday Boosts are FLFE’s way of saying Happy Holidays!

You also get a free additional Pay It Forward!

Beloved, who would benefit from you gifting them the Focused Life Force Energy higher level-of-consciousness field?

Pay It Forward: A free Pay It Forward FLFE gift, to send to someone or somewhere you love!

Here’s what you need to know about your Pay it Forward gift:

  • There is one additional Pay it Forward available per each subscription

  • This Pay it Forward allows you to activate a 500 LOC field at a property of your choice

  • You can access your holiday Pay it Forward in your Customer Portal


Q: What are the FLFE Holiday Boosts?  

A: FLFE Holiday Boosts are extended boost times for either 600 or 650 LOC (Level of Consciousness) boosts.   

Q: Who can receive the FLFE Holiday Boosts? 

A: All subscribers of Flagship Property and FLFE Everywhere will receive the FLFE Holiday Boosts. 

Q:  When can I access my Holiday boosts?

A: Holiday Boosts are available from December 21 – January 21.

Q: What are Holiday Boosts good for? 

A: Holiday Boosts are intended to amplify the elevated level of consciousness already available to us during the holiday season. Experiment with using these boosts during festive gatherings, meditations, workouts, and more.

Q: What is a Pay-It–Forward gift and how do I use it? 

A: FLFE is offering all subscribers one additional Pay-It-Forward gift. This gift allows you to activate a field of consciousness at a property or location of your choosing, that registers at 500 LOC (the level of love).

Please let the folks at FLFE know if you have any questions about these Holiday Boosts.

With love and in joy,


PS Check out the most recent chat I had with Jeffrey and Clayten of FLFE!

PPS I’d love to hear where you’re placing your Pay It Forwards - it’s inspiring to me! Comment on this blog with your choices, or if you’re in the Joyride Collective, post in the private group!


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